Are Republicans Suicidal?

It’s really a cry for help.

Rabid screams from Tea baggers. Glen Beck’s crazed temper tantrums alternated by pleas to stop hating America and just hate Obama. Baseless and fear mongering tactics used by Representatives John Boehner (R-Oh) and Michele Bachmann (R-Minn).

I chalked it up to those crazy Republicans being … well…..crazy Republicans.

Usually the crazies are harmless if annoying, but you don’t let them play with sharp objects, heavy equipment, or make major decisions.

In 2008, America told the Republicans they were out of touch with the new America. Hurt and despondent, they locked themselves away in the GOP bunker only to emerge more deluded than before, but still without ideas. When it came time at the televised Health Care Summit to put their cards on the table, they had none. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Ziltch.

Only the tea baggers were left at the party that was fast becoming lame. What they lacked in numbers they made up in volume and craziness. The Republican leadership incited an already angry mob to even more frenzy, which in turn did shameful and un-American acts.

At the Health Care Reform rally in Washington D.C. they taunted a man with Parkinson’s because he supported health care reform.

They called Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga) the “N” word and spat on Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.), both African American. Bricks were tossed through windows. They made death threats to those who voted for the bill and their families. We are only missing crosses burning on the lawn of the White House.

If the Tea baggers are now prescribing to the methods of terrorism and intimidation used by the KKK then so are Republicans. The party isn’t Grand, it’s just old. The party of Lincoln should not be the party of extremists who terrorize their own lawmakers.

Al Qaida didn’t cut the gas lines of the home of the brother of Rep. Tom Perriello (D-Va) with his wife and four children inside. Domestic terrorist who are GOP supporters did.

I haven’t heard Republicans firmly denounce these horrifying acts and demand that they be prosecuted like the criminals they are. If you are not against it then you are for it. If Republicans now advocate for domestic terrorism because of Health Care then we all know that it is past time to get them committed before someone really gets hurt.

Does the new Health Care Law cover straight jackets for the politically and mentally insane?

By: Michelle Loggins

1 Response to "Are Republicans Suicidal?"

  1. Anonymous says:

    We're not crazy. You just wait till November bc it's going tobe ugly!

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